#13 Kenny Johnson

Kenny Johnson


Date of Birth: July 10, 1997
Hometown: Oakland, CA
NWBA Classification: 3
Position: Forward


Kenny Johnson joined the Road Warriors in 2021 but started his athletic career in middle school and was a standout athlete. As a gunshot victim of senseless gang violence at the age of only 14 adversity struck me at a real young age. In 2018 I got introduced to wheelchair basketball from someone I now call a brother in Arthur Renowitzky. He saw me rolling down the hall at Chabot College where I was taking courses for Communications. After coming out to a Borp Rec wheelchair basketball practice I immediately fell in love with my old passion of being competitive in playing basketball. My other passion is being a leader for young kids as I work as an after school teacher and also work with Art in his non-profit organization LGO.